About Us

We began by asking ourselves this question: Is it possible to concurrently improve patient outcomes and enhance practice profitability, while also mitigating risk and lowering medical spending?
The answer is yes.
HealthDatix is helping to shape the future of our nation’s health care system, with robust leveraging of technology that delivers tremendous benefits to patient, payer, and provider. Our seamless and synergized technology assesses and identifies health risks, provides critical care management, and offers remote, passive medical monitoring.

Why it’s so important: 
Curbing the cost of caring for the 34.4 million Americans with two or more chronic diseases is a national priority. Over 71 cents of every healthcare dollar in the US is spent on those with multiple chronic conditions. The need is growing. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projects the number of Medicare beneficiaries to skyrocket to nearly 80 million by 2030.
The good news: 
With technology, we can shift chronic disease management from reactive to proactive. The HealthDatix suite of services allows you to easily identify the people in your population who are at risk, then engage them in education and disease management protocols to improve health outcomes and lower the cost of care.

Healthy, longer lives is our mission.
We aggregate data and deliver accurate reporting necessary to make vital decisions on a course of treatment or education for those at risk. Our proprietary data analytics management uncovers new opportunities for health wellness visits and provides 24/7/365 monitoring of people with chronic conditions. And, we empower you with the data needed to negotiate future health costs.

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