Annual Wellness Visit Software Solution

  • Leverage the HealtDatix AWV Software Solution to improve patient outcomes and practice profitability.

    HealthDatix provides an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) software solution complete with real time reporting to help close quality measure and reporting gaps. Our AWV solution will determine eligibility, provide tools to schedule appointments and automate the AWV process by allowing the patient or pharmacist to complete the HRA on-line. Our proprietary algorithm identifies all preventive screenings and health risks the patient medically qualifies and/or is covered by Medicare. The providers referral network can be imported, streamlining the patient referral process for qualified screenings, vaccinations, counseling and Chronic Care Management. Our algorithm automatically produces the Personalized Preventive Plan, physician reports and billing summary, meeting all Medicare audit requirements.

  • HealthDatix AWV reports meet all of CMS mandated requirements

    For healthcare providers, leveraging the AWV results in compliancy, higher HEDIS scores, and an increase in revenue/savings to the bottom line. For patients, the benefit lies in earlier and more effective care. For employers, the hard data on their population can be used to negotiate health costs in the future.

    The AWV is so valued by Medicare that these preventive health care visits are provided at no cost to Medicare patients 66+. Currently, there are over 44 million Medicare patients eligible for these visits, but less than 17% are taking advantage of the AWV.

  • Why more Pharmacist are switching to our AWV Software Solution

    Compare your current AWV process against ours. The HealthDatix AWV Software Solution:

    Pre-schedule AWV’s for the year by importing your entire Medicare panel and implement a mass eligibility check direclty with HETS (HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System) allowing you to  verifying who qualifies now, and in the future for:

    • Welcome to Medicare Visit (IPPE) - 65 years old
    • Initial Annual Wellness Visit - 66+
    • Subsequent Annual Wellness Visit
    • Medicare Advantage Plan (MAP)
    • Preventive Screenings
    • Deceased 
    • Other Errors

    Provide an automated easy-to-use HRA for your patient, meeting CMS recommendations

    Export patient list for personalized letter or postcard notifciations. 

    Provide specialized at risk disease information and handouts with the Personalized Preventive Plan (PPP) for your patients 

    Addresse all clinical screenings recommended by CMS to your patients

    Identify patients needing CCM services

    Export practice network customizing physician referral network to ensure in-network referrals

    Implement in less than 2 days    

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